Tag Archives: acupuncture

A recent New York Times article posed the question “Do You Suffer From Decision Fatigue“?  It went on to describe how making decision after decision can wear people down, sometimes resulting in poor choices or a different choice than may … Continue reading

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I went to the local Czech acupuncturist today – the same one I saw last time I was here.  She’s a bit of  a trip.  She is not exactly the soothing, supportive type; she’s more the shake her head negatively … Continue reading

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I have no idea how I waited this long for my embryo update without going crazy.  I guess keeping busy is a good thing.   I had missed the Thursday update, the Friday update, and then I missed the window of … Continue reading

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I wish it were simple – instructions for building the perfect lining.  But not so.  Ask 20 people for their recommendations, and you’ll likely get 20 different answers.  I am amazed that this one element is so critical to a successful … Continue reading

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