Monthly Archives: September 2009

I sometimes question my long-held belief that if things are meant to be, they will happen.  Certainly, there is nothing like a failed IVF cycle to make you question that belief.  But yet, I remain convinced that I will have … Continue reading

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The two week wait is full of hope and fear.  And though there is really nothing one can do to impact the outcome of the impending pregnancy test, the question nags: shall I test early, or not?  In one camp, … Continue reading

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Wow, there is nothing like sleeping in your own bed after being away from home.   I can’t decide if the trip to Europe feels longer, or the one back – I’m pretty sure it is the one coming back though.  … Continue reading

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I awoke this morning slightly nervous about our transfer, but excited by our prospects for success. After all, as of the last time the clinic checked on them, we had 6 great looking embryos from a proven donor and the doctor had … Continue reading

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