Category Archives: IVF Treatment Abroad

Two recent articles caught my attention. They highlight the increasing trend of English speaking patients going to the Czech Republic for medical tourism (including fertility tourism).  They cite that availability, low cost and high quality care are the primary factors driving patients there. First, in February, the … Continue reading

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I was invited to be a guest on the Creating A Family radio show titled “Practical Considerations When Going Abroad for Treatment“. I was interviewed by Dawn Davenport along with Kathryn Kaycoff-Manos (a surrogacy expert and founder of Global IVF).  … Continue reading

Posted in IVF Treatment Abroad, surrogacy, travel | Comments Off on Practical Considerations When Going Abroad

A new study out of the UK is once again touting the advantages of the endometrial scratching prior to IVF.   This is not a new concept, I wrote about it here and here and the scientists in Nottingham are reporting that … Continue reading

Posted in Czech, Donor Egg IVF, egg donation, embryo donation, Endometrial scratching, Fertility News, IVF Success Rates, IVF Treatment Abroad, Treatment protocols | Comments Off on Endometrial Scratch to Improve Pregnancy Rates

I was recently invited to write an article exploring all of the various options available for frozen embryo donation or embryo adoption.   It was published today on PVED – Parents Via Egg Donation! If you’re exploring options for donated embryos, … Continue reading

Posted in choose a clinic, donor embryos, embryo donation, IVF Treatment Abroad | Tagged | Comments Off on Embryo donation and embryo adoption options

Just in case you didn’t get enough technical details in my last post about PGD, PGS, CCS, and preimplantation genetic testing, I wanted to highlight this very technical and in depth article from the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics.   It talks … Continue reading

Posted in CCS - comprehensive chromosome screening, Czech, Fertility News, IVF Success Rates, IVF Treatment Abroad | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on More about Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS)

The Embryoscope Time Lapse Video monitoring that I talked about here made the US NBC Evening News!   Here’s a link to the NBC News report which provides very interesting video showing how Embryoscope works and what doctors see as its primary benefits: Although the medical reporter … Continue reading

Posted in Czech, Fertility News, IVF Success Rates, IVF Treatment Abroad, travel, Treatment protocols | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on NBC News Report on Embryoscope Time Lapse Video Monitoring

Now that the ASRM has lifted the “Experimental” label on egg freezing (also known as oocyte preservation, fertility preservation, or egg banking), more attention is being focused on options available for egg freezing, and educating the public about treatment options and identifying when … Continue reading

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I am honored and excited to have been selected to join the Advisory Board of the nonprofit Parents Via Egg Donation as their IVF Abroad Advisor.  It is truly a distinguished group of colleagues on this board and I am … Continue reading

Posted in Donor Egg IVF, egg donation, egg donor, Fertility News, IVF Treatment Abroad | Comments Off on PVED Announces New Advisory Board Members

I am often asked about the differences of using frozen donor eggs (unfertilized donor eggs from an egg bank) vs. doing a fresh donor egg cycle.   Here are a few things to consider: The benefits to frozen donor eggs (not … Continue reading

Posted in Donor Egg IVF, donor embryos, Fertility News, frozen donor eggs, IVF Treatment Abroad | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Frozen Donor Eggs

One of my first clinic visits on this trip to the Czech Republic was to the well respected clinic Gennet.  Several years ago I had visited their original ART center (it is a full women’s center), but just last year they … Continue reading

Posted in Czech, Donor Egg IVF, donor embryos, egg donor, embryo donation, IVF Treatment Abroad | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Gennet Clinic Prague

Recently, some new rules went into effect, making it much harder for Czech IVF reproductive clinics to accept shipments of frozen sperm (from a partner or a donor) if the sperm originates in a non-European Union country. The result of these new … Continue reading

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In this prior post, I talked about the differences in embryo donation programs in the US and abroad.  According to many people in the US who are waiting for donor embryos, it can take over a year of searching clinics to … Continue reading

Posted in Donor Egg IVF, donor embryos, egg donor, IVF Treatment Abroad | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Available frozen embryos

An interesting question was posed recently suggesting that virtually all overseas egg donors are being exploited if their home country had limits on egg donor compensation. Unlike the United States, where donors can set their own compensation (although many clinics and … Continue reading

Posted in Czech, Donor Egg IVF, egg donor, IVF Treatment Abroad | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Couples from Ireland considering cross-border surrogacy have long been left in legal limbo when trying to secure citizenship for children born to surrogates outside of Ireland. This has caused many children to be left in legal limbo, creating heartache and … Continue reading

Posted in Donor Egg IVF, donor embryos, Fertility News, IVF Treatment Abroad, surrogacy | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on New guidance for Irish couples going abroad for surrogacy

I often get asked why people choose to go to the Czech Republic for IVF, donor egg IVF, and donor embryo treatments.   My friends Kathryn Kaycoff-Manos, MA and Lauri Berger de Brito over at Global IVF have recently been traveling in Europe speaking at a conference on … Continue reading

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Recently, I have been in communication with a clinic in the Czech Republic that is using Embryo Monitoring in their IVF practice both for non-donor egg IVF and for donor egg IVF treatments.  They have reported that they are seeing about … Continue reading

Posted in Donor Egg IVF, Endometrial scratching, Fertility News, IVF Success Rates, IVF Treatment Abroad | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Embryo monitoring improves IVF success rates

The SART 2010 US IVF clinic statistics have been released.    As I talked about in this post, just statistics alone are not the only thing to consider, but it does give us just one more piece of data to throw … Continue reading

Posted in Donor Egg IVF, Fertility News, IVF Success Rates, IVF Treatment Abroad | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Recently I’ve been asked on several occasions about how the frozen donor embryo programs abroad compare to what is available in the US.  So, I thought I would share a bit more about the similarities and differences. Generally speaking, the embryo … Continue reading

Posted in Donor Egg IVF, donor embryos, IVF Treatment Abroad | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Statistics….in fertility, everyone seems to love to talk about statistics.  And when it comes to IVF and donor egg IVF treatments, often it is one of the factors most relied on when selecting a doctor or clinic.  And for a good … Continue reading

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It’s the holiday season, and songs and proclamations of joy are all around us. It’s been a pretty joyful week here at my office too – and not just for the holiday festivities.   In just one short week, my email … Continue reading

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It is official, we’ve moved the blog to new digs.   Please add our new feed to your reader, or whatever you are using to follow blogs.  There is also a link in the right column to make it easy to … Continue reading

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