RESOLVE has started a petition directed to the Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius who is tasked with determining the Essential Benefits to be included in each state’s health insurance exchange effective January, 2014. RESOLVE’s goal is to gather 7,300 signatures, one for every one thousand Americans impacted by infertility. I think that we can do MUCH better than that.
Please join me and add your name to this initiative aimed at requiring health insurance coverage for the 7.3 million Americans diagnosed with infertility each year. Click here to make your voice heard.
Just heard about a new petition site being offered by the White House. Any petition created that receives 5,000+ signatures gets a response from the White House – You may want to consider reposting this petition.
Wendy, that is really interesting. I think RESOLVE would need to submit the petition to that site since they originated this one, you may want to suggest that to them? Thanks for the heads up.